Apr 25, 2018
The genius and renowned Alexander Graham Bell, a Scottish scientist who moved to Ontario, Canada and later to the Unites States, invented the first electronic telephone, that is essential in the present day. He worked at a school for the deaf while attempting to invent a machine that would transmit sound electronically.
According to History.com, though he is credited with its invention, Alexander Graham Bell refused to have a telephone in his study, fearing it would distract him from his scientific work.
He is famous for numerous inspirational quotes that have guided people through tough and influential times. “When one door closes, another door opens,” gives us the belief and courage to move forward on our endeavors, making us believe that there is no end to anyone’s story, just a constant beginning.
People underestimate the use of a telephone, especially from a marketing perspective, but it can better assist customers and allow a relationship to prosper. A telephone conversation allows a customer to instantly interact with someone and allow them to facilitate their personal needs and can take the time to be able to build a potential relationship. It is a great way to reach out to more customers and results in the continuation of building on going relationships. As a company, you want to ensure that your customers are being helped in the most personal way to express loyalty and commitment.
With social media rising at a rapid speed it can be overwhelming. Telemarketing is a source of advertisement that allows the ability to have a more personal touch with your customers, rather than just over a computer screen. Sure, a customer might have an easier access to apps, website and postage mail, but no questions are answered right away and needs are left forgotten.
A phone conversation allows immediate engagement between the customer and the company. People want to be able to communicate with someone verbally, allowing them to ask questions, ask if they have styles they are interested in or are looking for or markdowns and promotions that are happening. People are always looking for a good deal. It also allows the opportunity for the customer to buy more at the time of purchase.
TK Enterprises Inc.is the best way to exert your brand, events and services. Talking with people on the phone is the most efficient way to communicate and build a relationship with your customers. Telephone and event marketing can be difficult when there are millions of competitors and having a diverse market and keeping that market can be a struggle. TK Enterprises Inc. eliminates the daily workload of a business owner and their staff and allows them focus on their important everyday obligations. TK Enterprises Inc. can strengthen your brand by calling and connecting your customers to your in-store events, giving your customers increased product awareness with the personal touch they deserve.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Apr 25, 2018
People who work on the phones every day are quite exceptional. Not only are they required to often go through the rigors of speaking to more than a hundred different people each day, they also must find ways to endear themselves to complete strangers. To do that, phone agents have to be masters of tone and inflection. They don’t have the luxury of facial expressions and hand to convey their messages.
At the end of the day, no matter what message is attempting to be communicated, it’s important that a phone agent is likeable. Without having the person on the other end of the line actually like the agent he/she is speaking to, the message will often get lost.
So how can you ensure that you’re super likeable on the phone? Here are three suggestions:
1. Smile before you dial.
Did you know that you can “hear” a smile through the phone? Try a little experiment for yourself. Take any written script and record yourself reading it as you would normally speak. Then read it a second time, but have a big smile on your face while doing so. Listen to the two recordings. Notice any difference? More often than not, your tone will automatically become more pleasant when you’re smiling.
On her Dental Phone Excellence Blog, Jayne Brady insists that smiles are used by dentists and their assistants when contacting their patients. “It is hard not to like a person who smiles but very easy to not like someone with no smile!” she writes, “Your patients know when you are smiling on the phone. They may not be able to see you but they can hear a smile!”
2. Do more listening than talking.
To be likeable over the phone, it’s integral that you remember that conversations are meant to be two-way streets. When you allow the person on the other line to express his/her points of view, it shows respect and an appreciation for his/her opinions. After all, the best way to serve your customers is to pinpoint their specific needs and wants. Being an active listener helps you to be an excellent customer service provider.
“Try not to interrupt or cut the other party off while carrying on a conversation,” advises Audrey Hunt on ToughNickel.com, “This is a habit that can and should be broken. Being a good listener is one of the most important rules for good communication. It takes a sincere desire and a good deal of practice to learn this skill but it can be done.”
3. Understand that chewing and chatting don’t mix!
You’d think that this tip wouldn’t be necessary. However, far too many people believe there’s no harm in leisurely chewing gum or even snacking while having their phone conversations. Don’t assume the parties on the other lines won’t notice. It should go without saying that chewing gum, eating food and drinking should be avoided when speaking on the phone.
“Never eat or chew gum while on the phone,” insists Hunt, It’s sometimes hard to understand what a person is saying with food in their mouth. Make it a practice to change this habit if you’re guilty.”
The TK Enterprises Inc. team is made up of phone agents who are masters of the above-mentioned tips. For more information about how our Event Marketing services can put our phone agents to work for your jewelry business, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Apr 18, 2018
Mother’s Day is less than a month away! This year, it falls on Sunday, May 13th. And as is commonplace with the annual tradition, mothers all over the continent will be celebrated by their children through special dinners, cards and other gifts. As a jeweler, you’re well aware that jewelry is right up there with chocolate and flowers as top Mother’s Day gifts.
So what are you doing to ensure that your store enjoys a significant boost in sales over the next few weeks? We have a few ideas for you.
Offer free engraving.
Now that’s certainly one way to encourage jewelry shoppers to visit your store over your competitors. Naturally, Mother’s Day is a day when sentimental gifts are passed from children to their moms. Necklaces, pendants, bracelets and other jewelry items that allow space for special messages make the most sentimental of all gifts. Why not offer free engraving on purchases over a certain amount to encourage increased sales?
On JewelryWise.com, shoppers are encouraged to engrave their Mother’s Day gifts of jewelry to make them that much more special. “Choose a necklace, bracelet, charm or ring you know she’ll love and have it subtly engraved with a personal message or the names and birth dates of her children,” suggests the site, “Gemstone jewelry such as rings, stackable rings, necklaces and bracelets featuring children’s birthstones doesn’t scream ‘mom’ to the world, yet she’ll personally be touched by its significance every time she wears the item.”
Partner up with other businesses for a special promotion.
There’s no better type of promotion that word-of-mouth promotion. And that’s especially true when other businesses are spreading the word about your business. Partner up with a non-competitor that is also bound to enjoy an increase in sales due to the upcoming Mother’s Day celebration. On VendHQ.com, Francesca Nicasio suggests that jewelry stores make good partners with flower shops, spas and restaurants.
“If you want to increase traffic in your location, consider teaming up with local merchants that see a lot of business on Mother’s Day (flower shops, restaurants, spas etc.) and send them free gift cards to offer to their customers, and hopefully drive traffic to your location,” she writes.
Host a Pre-Mother’s Day celebration.
Mother’s Day offers your jewelry store the ideal opportunity to host an in-store event. By doing so, you will entice your current customers to choose your store for their Mother’s Day gift shopping over your competitors. And TK Enterprises Inc. can help you!
Our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services put our experienced team of phone agents to work for you. They will call your current customers to invite them to your special upcoming Pre-Mother’s Day celebration in order to boost their interest in all of the wonderful Mother’s Day gifts your store has to offer. Our team is made up of experts at offering exclusive invites to in-store events. It’s a proven marketing strategy!
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Apr 11, 2018
Texting, emailing and using social media – these are all incredibly popular ways of communicating these days. We live in a world where nearly everyone has a smartphone and, as a result, find ways to get in touch with family, friends, colleagues and co-workers without ever uttering a single word.
It’s probably a good idea to utilize the myriad of social media platforms that are out there to promote your brand. However, it would be a bad idea if you neglect the always-dependable telephone call as a chief source of communication between you and your customers. Believe it or not, your customers would still prefer that you call them.
Here are three reasons why:
1. It offers a more personal approach.
In today’s world, consumers want so much more than high-quality products and services. They value the relationships they develop with the businesses they support. This is why getting to know regular visitors by name and offering pleasant in-store shopping experiences is more important today than it ever was. Similarly, friendly conversations over the phone help to add a personality to your business that can’t be matched by texts and emails.
On MyCallFinder.com, Jeanne Landau explains that phone calls help to keep companies accountable. “When using a channel like email, chat, or social media to contact a company, the customer might not know who exactly is on the other end of the conversation,” she writes, “During a phone call, the agent will provide their name, which holds them accountable for the conversation that ensues.”
2. Information is received much quicker.
With the written word, only so much can be said so quickly. Texting and emailing requires the physical typing of words that simply can’t replicate the speed of a normal spoken conversation. For this reason, it automatically slows down communication. Customers who want immediate answers would much rather receive those answers in real-time than have to sit and wait for the words to be typed out.
“Humans generally speak at 125-175 words per minute and can listen at a rate of up to 450 words per minute,” explains Gregg Johnson of the Harvard Business Review, “In contrast, the average typist does 38-40 words per minute — and that’s on a full-fledged keyboard, not on a mobile phone. A consumer may prefer to make plans with friends over text message, or to order a pizza online, but when faced with a complex purchase, these preferences often change. “
3. Not everyone is a tech wizard.
With mobile devices and social media apps being so popular today, it’s easy to forget that there are many people who either don’t know how to use them or have no interest in trying. Going “old school” is just fine for a large number of people who feel a lot more comfortable speaking on phones than using modern gadgets.
“Though it may be hard to believe, there are plenty of people who still aren’t completely comfortable using modern technology,” says Landau, “They either don’t understand it and have no desire to learn or don’t trust it. Either way, they are completely content using only their phone to communicate with family, friends, and businesses that they patronize.”
At TK Enterprises Inc., our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services put our experienced and highly-motivated callers to work for your jewelry store, making personal phone calls directly to your customers to invite them to your upcoming in-store events.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Apr 4, 2018
Jewelry – it’s a special type of merchandise that truly belongs in a category of its own. Unlike most purchases, jewelry is often bought for particularly sentimental reasons. Commemorating romantic relationships, creating family heirlooms and celebrating milestone moments – these are all very special occasions that are often recognized by the gifting of jewelry from one loved one to another.
So, it should go without saying that jewelry purchases are generally made with a special type of care. To be specific, most consumers prefer to see and feel jewelry for themselves, trying on different pieces, looking in the mirror and mixing and matching to settle on the perfect combinations. As a result, jewelers continue to enjoy foot traffic in their brick-and-mortar store locations while many other industries lean towards boosting their online sales.
Should jewelers be concerned about the growth of online shopping?
Knowledgeable sources say no. Firstly, to reiterate an already-made point, jewelry purchases are more of the touch-and-feel variety. But secondly, e-commerce isn’t exactly taking over in the way that some people assume. Sure, online shopping is incredibly popular. And this is never more evident than during the end-of-year holiday season. However, most businesses still enjoy heavy in-store success even when their online sales are taking off.
On Forbes.com, Barbara Thau explains that brick-and-mortar stores are still the future of retail. E-commerce, she insists, will not replace the physical shopping experience. She even points out that stores are more profitable than e-commerce. The top ten retailers, says Thau, still have their physical store locations as “the meat and potatoes of their business.”
“What often gets lost amid the heady talk that retailers’ online businesses are growing faster than their stores is that bricks generate higher conversion rates —the percent of store/site visitors who make a purchase — than clicks,” elaborates Thau, “And as a general proposition, a store purchase is more profitable than an e-commerce order, as factors like shipping and handling charges, and the costs associated with increased returns, eat into margins.”
Believe it or not, millennials want to buy from you in person.
As a jeweler, you undoubtedly receive numerous visitors from young shoppers in your store. Don’t assume that because millennials are part of the online generation they’d prefer to do their shopping online rather than in your store. Thau writes that while Amazon, Facebook and Instagram are incredibly popular with youngsters, they still prefer “real life stories”. According to a number of studies, says Thau, young people enjoy real shopping experiences.
“Most global millennials (70%) prefer brick-and-mortar retail stores, according to CBRE,” reveals Thau, “And in the U.S., over 77% of Gen Z, consumers born after the mid-1990s through the early 2000s, said brick-and-mortar stores are their preferred shopping channel, according to Accenture research.”
Send out your invitations!
With research showing that shoppers both young and old still prefer real shopping to online shopping, there is no reason to fear the growing popularity of e-commerce. There is also no reason to not invite your customers back into your store for your special events and sales. This is where the TK Enterprises Inc. team can really help you!
Contact us today to ask about our Event Marketing services! Call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195 or email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com. You may also fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Mar 28, 2018
“Twitter, Facebook, email, websites and texts – there are many ways to keep in contact with your customers,” states Rachel Miller on the U.K.-based Marketing Donut website, “But did you know that your office phone system can improve customer service, increase sales and boost profits?”
Yes, we are living in a world with many incredible technological advances in the form of handheld gadgets. Our smartphones give us the ability to communicate with people all over the world using various messaging apps and social media platforms. But one thing has remained the same after all these years. With the exception of the face-to-face conversation, nothing beats the good old phone call!
Live voices make a difference.
As a business owner, it’s important for you to know that hearing a live voice is a very important thing for your customers. It gives personality to your business in a way the written text cannot. Furthermore, phone calls enable customers to get immediate answers to questions. And in today’s world where people expect immediacy, the phone call can’t be beat in the customer service game.
“You can greet a customer by name when they call in – their order history is in front of you,” points out Pioneer Business Systems PR executive, Hayley Stovold in Miller’s article. This simple act of familiarity and politeness is often enough to keep a customer coming back to your store.
Let us do the calling for you!
At TK Enterprises Inc., we’re fully aware that the vast majority of jewelry store owners across North America are far too busy with their daily tasks to call all of their customers each day. That’s where we come in! We have over 30 years of experience in the sales field and a wealth of experience in understanding customer behavior. Our call center is a lively and energetic atmosphere filled with knowledgeable and friendly phone agents who are adept at driving sales.
And we can get them calling your customers for you! Our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services are designed to have our team contact your existing customers to invite them to your businesses events, teach them about your promotions or follow up on recent sales. Our history has proven that making phone calls is a highly-effective way to deliver the messages of our clients as our callers either speak directly with customers or leave enthusiastic voicemails.
Time and time again, the end result is higher in-store traffic and increased sales for our clients. Sean O’Neill of Ireland’s ThinkBusiness acknowledges that other modern-day forms of communication can be great at relaying messages. However, he admits that they can make it harder to get clear points across.
“With social…where the platform lends itself to a more conversational dialogue…there are more opportunities for misunderstanding and avoidance,” he writes, “Done correctly, a cold call should be all the things other platforms are…Also, it gives the opportunity to open up the conversation straight away with questioning and gain insight into what is truly important to the customer.”
Why choose TK Enterprises Inc.?
In the past four years, we’ve made well over a million calls for jewelry stores continent-wide. We have a proven calling system and an outstanding track record that provides our clients with the transparency and peace of mind that 100 percent of our calls will be completed with passion and enthusiasm.
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Mar 21, 2018
Welcome to spring everyone! It’s certainly a beautiful time of year. Even though your neck of the woods may still be experiencing frigid temperatures, they won’t last too much longer. The spring is a great time of year for the majority of jewelry retailers because the warmer weather encourages more people to come out of their homes. In addition, that warmer weather also inspires the wearing of more jewelry. After all, without the heavy coats and scarfs, jewelry can more easily be seen!
As a result, the beginning of spring makes an ideal time for your jewelry store to host an in-store event. Inviting your customers back into your store so that they can be the first to check out your latest items is a great way to not just boost sales but grow your customer relationships. These days, consumers place a lot of emphasis on how businesses make them feel. What could be better than offering exclusive invites to customers to show them how special they are to you?
Hosting an in-store event will raise brand awareness.
It goes without saying that you don’t own the only jewelry store in town. So what separates you from your competitors? As we’ve pointed out, acknowledging your customers by reaching out to them directly will help to give them feelings of importance. Never be afraid to declare your appreciation for your customers’ support. Doing so will get the word spread about your brand in a very positive way.
“In-store events give you the opportunity to create a buzz around your brand and store, helping to raise brand awareness,” agrees Madeleine Helme on MarTechExec.com, “Get your customers excited about an upcoming event and you will see an increase in traffic to your store. This is also an effective way of attracting new customers to your store. They’re more likely to become repeat customers, too, because you’ve given them an experience they will enjoy and remember.”
An in-store event will boost your sales.
At the end of the day, isn’t that what every business owner wants? It will be near impossible to not significantly increase sales when you host an in-store event. Remember that the main objective of any social gathering is for people to have a good time. Ensure that your guests are enjoying themselves and you won’t have to put a ton of effort into pushing sales. They will come a lot easier!
“Sales and profits will also see a boost from your in-store events,” affirms Helme, “If people attending your event have an enjoyable time, then they are more likely to buy from you and are likely to spend more. Successful events are great for your brand’s reputation and word-of-mouth because people will tell their friends and post on social media about how much of a good time they had at your event.”
TK Enterprises Inc. has many years of experience making personal phone calls directly to jewelry store customers to invite them to upcoming in-store events. Get us working for you! For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Mar 14, 2018
A couple of weeks ago, we blogged about the fact that wedding season was on the way. With spring officially set to begin in less than a week and summer right around the corner, you can bet that a large number of couples are getting set to tie the knot. And, as we pointed out two weeks ago, brides and their bridesmaids are certainly in the market for hot new jewelry.
Of course, it’s important to note that brides-to-be and their best friends aren’t the only ones who will be jewelry shopping this spring. With the season about to change over, it would be wise for your business to highlight the fact that it’s a go-to destination for all of one’s jewelry needs. So how can you spring into action to boost your jewelry sales?
Wear your jewelry around town.
Is there any better way to advertise how great your jewelry looks than to wear it yourself? Needless to say, your chosen accessories will make for great conversation starters. Naturally, those conversations will become advertisements for your products. With warmer weather on the way, you’re given the perfect opportunity to shed the heavy winter coats and reveal the beautiful necklaces, pendants and bracelets that are usually hidden beneath.
“Mix and match different outfits with your jewelry to give people the idea on how to wear your jewelry,” recommends Ceri Jewelry, “If your accessories look good on you, it will surely catch people’s attention and would make them more interested on your products. This is also a cheap way to advertise your jewelry and meet more people who can be your prospective buyer.”
Create an eye-catching front window.
With warmer weather come more customers. It stands to reason since people spend a lot less time indoors when it’s nice outside. Consider the fact that your storefront is about to enjoy a lot more foot traffic. Making sure your storefront is adorned with an attractive window display will help to lure more customers through the door. Alicia Arnold of Facets Fine Jewelry ensures that her storefront is uniquely designed to attract eyes each spring.
“I have no neon signs,” she writes on JewelryMakingJournal.com, “I need to stop people, and the more of my space I fill the higher my odds…So (in my storefront window) we have one mixed bag of crystals…And of course, lots of spring colored jewelry! I used my peach velvet displays from a ready made line from an online retailer.”
Offer special spring discounts.
If there’s one thing people like better than warm and sunny weather, it’s saving money. Combine the two by offering special discount codes and coupons as part of your store’s way of celebrating the new spring season. As Ceri Jewelry points out, such promotions work best during special events and holidays. Forthcoming celebrations such as Easter and Mother’s Day are perfect examples.
“You can also make use of this method if you want to feature a specific product that needs more exposure,” notes their website, “Create an email list and send discount codes to the members of your list so they can use it on their next purchase.”
Call your customers in for a visit.
The beauty of the one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services offered by TK Enterprises Inc. is that it does all of the calling for you! Learn all about it by calling us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Mar 7, 2018
It is often said that communication is the most important element of any strong relationship. As a jewelry business owner, it’s vitally important that you remember that each and every new individual who visits your store isn’t simply a potential customer – he/she is a new relationship waiting to happen. How do you spark that new relationship? By communicating, of course! It cannot be stressed enough that talking to your customers is integral to your store’s success.
Talking to your customers will help you to serve them better.
All too often, business owners see themselves as experts in their fields (no problem with that, at all) and forget that they can always learn more (that’s the problem). Because you can never stop learning, it’s wise to attain as much information about the members of your customer base as possible. And getting that information straight from the proverbial horses’ mouths is the best way to learn how to continually satisfy the needs of your customers.
“Brutal honesty from your customers will highlight what is preventing you from building something that delights your customers,” says C Todd Lombardo on Medium.com, “Many struggle with this type of customer interaction because you learn that you’re wrong. Who wants to be wrong? Learning where and how you’re off the mark just might allow you to discover what’s right for your customers. It’s okay to be wrong, just learn from it and move on.”
Getting to know your customers will diminish their hesitancy to spend money.
Developing relationships with the people who support your brand will go long way in generating revenue for your business. Although it’s important to express genuine kindness, your main objective is to form bonds that translate into repeat business. Simply stated, the more people trust you, the more likely they will be to spend money in your direction. As Peep Laja puts it on Kissmetrics.com, talking to your customers will lessen customer hesitations.
“You get to learn two very important things (among other stuff): the hesitations and questions they had before buying/signing up, and what matters to them about the product,” he writes, “The first bit helps you understand the friction in the buying process…The second bit helps you figure out how your customers use the product, and what matters to them when they’re shopping for it. This again helps you improve the way you sell, and improve the product/offer itself.”
Get us to do the talking for you!
At TK Enterprises Inc., we believe that we’ve mastered the concept of strengthening customer relationships via the good old telephone conversation. Our talented team of phone agents has many years of experience under its collective belt, calling customers on behalf of jewelry store owners to invite them to upcoming events, introduce them to new promotions or follow up on recent sales.
We’re elated to tell you that our Event Marketing services have worked wonders in growing relationships and inevitably sales numbers, as a result. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Feb 28, 2018
With the spring season officially set to begin in less than a month, the jewelry industry is about to embark on one of its most celebrated times of the year: wedding season! It’s no surprise that a large number of couples choose to get married during the warmer months of the year. Between the ability to take pictures by the lake or even have the ceremonies conducted outdoors, the spring and summer months provide many perfect days for weddings.
Jewelry store owners all across North America know to get prepared. Wedding dresses certainly aren’t the only things that brides need to secure before their big days. Beautiful pieces of jewelry to compliment said dresses are often deemed as just as important.
Are you ready for the soon-to-be-here wedding season? Here are four ways to boost your bridal jewelry sales this spring:
1. Allow brides to try your pieces on with their dresses.
We’ve all heard of Say Yes To The Dress. The television show has helped to make the argument that there’s no better way for a future bride to choose the perfect dress than to do so with the help of her friends and family. Why not take the same approach to helping her select her wedding day jewelry?
“If you’re not showing her accessories when the dress is on, you are missing out – big time,” insists Rich Albanese of Giavan, “One sales technique we hear again and again is bringing the jewelry and headpieces out to her on a velvet pad when she has the dress on. In the bridal business, this might be the easiest money you’ll ever make.”
2. Get the bridal party in on the action.
Keep in mind that the bride won’t be the only one looking for jewelry to wear on her big day. Get her bridesmaids involved by suggesting pieces that they call can wear. “More than 60 percent of brides buy jewelry for their bridesmaids—earrings, pendants, etc.—and spend an average of $73 each,” informs Sean Enright of JCK.
3. Share in the excitement.
It’s important for you to get just as excited about the wedding as the bride and her best friends. Become one of them! Share in their joy. Get excited! Have fun! This will endear you to your already-elated customers and encourage them to strongly consider your suggestions.
“Compared to selling dresses, accessories are easy,” believes Albanese, “Some brides will price shop everything they touch but if you have the right jewelry, you’ll be amazed how many customers see it, love it and buy it right away. The earlier you get them in accessories, the more they’ll spend because compared to everything else in the wedding, this is pocket change. It’s a clean sale that can add significantly to your bottom line – so enjoy it!”
4. Invite brides-to-be to your store.
It’s definitely a good time of year to host an in-store event that caters to the needs of soon-to-be-brides. Contact the TK Enterprises Inc. team to learn about how our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services can help with the invitations. Our experienced team of phone agents has a history of growing the success of jewelry stores across North America by offering exclusive invites to such events to their customers.
Please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!