Feb 14, 2018
Happy Valentine’s Day! On behalf of the entire TK Enterprises Inc. team, we’d like to wish all of you lovebirds a fun and exciting day today. We’d also like to send our best to all those who may not be celebrating Valentine’s Day as they are still looking for love. We do know one thing for sure, however. Those who are looking to impress the objects of their affection should practice the age-old technique of calling them on the phone.
Make the phone your friend.
If you’re lucky enough to get the phone number of an individual you admire, do yourself a favor and give him/her a call. Texting is wildly popular today. But it simply cannot communicate one’s tone, inflections and true personality the way his/her voice can. No matter how popular texting gets – and the concept has only gotten more popular with each new social media platform – it’s simply too impersonal to get a real relationship to grow out of it.
“Talking with someone is an art form,” says Los Angeles-based blogger Lauren on her website, “There is also an element of bravery when talking on the phone versus talking through texting because it takes a certain amount of guts to say certain things out loud to someone else instead of just texting. It honestly means so much more if someone actually picks up the phone to call because texting feels like such a cop-out since it’s so impersonal and you can also really get to know a person on a much deeper level if you talk on the phone or Skype with them over texting.”
Texting breaks up the natural pace of a conversation.
When on the phone, people speak back and forth to each other with immediate responses. With texting, it can be several minutes, hours or even days before a text recipient returns a message. While not necessarily intentional, these delayed responses could connote disinterest or irritation. It’s hard to truly know what the other person is thinking when texting is the main source of communication.
On MedicineNet.com, Randy Dotinga explains that there is research that has actually found that relationships can be negatively impacted by an abundance of texting. He reports that a 2013 survey of nearly 300 people aged 18 to 25 who were either married, engaged or seriously dating found that about four fifths of its respondents texted with their partners multiple times every day.
“The researchers found that both men and women were more likely to report less satisfying and less stable relationships when the men frequently texted their female partners,” he reveals.
As we’ve highlighted, the TK Enterprises Inc. team strongly believes in the power of the phone call. This is what has made our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services so effective for so many years. By calling the customers of jewelry store owners and offering exclusive invites to their upcoming in-store events, we successfully help to grow the relationships between our clients and their supporters. Naturally, these stronger relationships lead to higher sales as well!
Go for the personal touch!
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Jan 31, 2018
Dear jewelers, welcome to your favorite time of the year! With February beginning tomorrow, you are undoubtedly preparing for the rush that comes with Valentine’s Day shopping. You don’t even need to be part of the jewelry business to know that the next two weeks mark a very busy time of year for the industry. Needless to say, jewelry is right up there with chocolates and flowers as the most popular of all Valentine’s Day gifts.
As well, it goes without saying that jewelry make up the most precious and sentimental of all gifts that celebrate romantic unions. So while you may assume that foot traffic is bound to pick up in your store over the next couple of weeks, it’s incredibly important not to take anything for granted. It’s best that you prepare your jewelry store for Valentine’s Day as best you can.
Stock up on your most popular Valentine’s Day items.
Making sure you have enough supply to meet the demand is never more important than at this time of year. What have been your biggest Valentine’s Day sellers in past years? Make sure that you have ordered all of the most-likely-to-be-sold pieces in time for the special occasion. The last thing you want is for your customers to be disappointed to the point where they go to your competition for their gift-buying needs.
“Ensuring that you have the inventory to meet the demand of your customer base is crucial to your jewelry stores’ success during the Valentine’s Day rush,” writes Danielle Wegert on MultiBriefs.com, “If you are not prepared, you will not have enough supply to meet all of your customers’ expectations, and they will take their business elsewhere. Just like any other holiday, many customers wait until the last minute to purchase their gifts, which will not leave time for you to order more inventory before the holiday.”
Prepare to cater to millennials.
It can be argued that young people are the world’s biggest Valentine’s Day shoppers. There’s nothing quite like “puppy love” to get people to bring out their wallets to commemorate that special day with their partners. Studies have actually shown that millennials are among the biggest spenders for the Valentine’s Day occasion. The 2015 National Retail Federation’s Valentine’s Day Consumer Spending Survey found out as much.
“The largest spending age group is predicted to be 25 to 34 year olds, who will shell out approximately $213.04 on the holiday,” reports Barbara Thau on Forbes.com about the survey, “By contrast, 35 to 44 year olds will spend about $176.21. This is somewhat surprising, as many Millennials have yet to come into their most fertile years of earning power, yet they plan to spend more than their older counterparts.”
Host a Valentine’s Day soirée.
Valentine’s Day offers your jewelry store the perfect opportunity to host an in-store event. Doing so will entice your current customers to choose your store for their gift shopping over your competitors. At TK Enterprises Inc., our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services are designed to get your customers to come to your event. Put our experienced team of phone agents to work for you. We’re experts at offering exclusive invites to in-store events. It’s a strategy that works!
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!