Highlighting The Importance Of Networking In The Jewelry Industry
As we communicated in last week’s blog, the TK Enterprises Inc. team is currently attending the CBG San Francisco Show as an exhibitor. Presented by CBG Continental Buying Group, Inc., the incredible trade show is taking place at Hilton San Francisco Union Square which is located at 333 O’Farrell Street in San Francisco, California. Today is the first day of the show and we will be here throughout the three-day event which culminates this Friday!
For all of those who are attending the CBG San Francisco Show, we encourage you to pay TK Enterprises Inc. a visit at Table #20. We have a very special and exclusive offer for all of our visitors at this week’s show. When you arrive at our table, you will be gifted with a free scratch ticket that is worth up to 15% off of your already discounted CBG member prices for our Event Marketing services.
We absolutely love the opportunities we get to network with industry professionals.
The way we see it, there is simply no substitute for meeting people face-to-face. By interacting with jewelers from all over the continent, we continually learn more about this fascinating industry. As Shoshi Grossman points out on RapNet.com, “Whether or not two people are in the same business, there is always something they can learn from each other. Networking is all about giving and receiving advice, brainstorming ideas and sharing information.”
In addition to enjoying our learning opportunities, we take great pride in being able to teach. Our Event Marketing services help professionals in the jewelry industry to take their respective businesses to higher levels. We’re well aware that our Event Marketing services are one-of-a-kind. So, it brings us great pleasure to be able to introduce them to others in the most impactful way possible – in person.
In 2018, there are many ways to network.
We’re aware, of course, that modern technology affords us many other ways to network when meeting people face-to-face isn’t possible. Because we serve jewelry business owners all over North America, it’s only right that we take advantage of those new technologies. ProfessionalJeweller.com informs us that social media go a long way in helping jewelry professionals to expand their reach.
The site conducted an interview with Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery designer, Tom Wilson who revealed that social media is one of the main sources of traffic towards his company’s website. “As an independent jeweler, it allows us to immediately connect with our customers,” he is quoted as saying, “We have also found that Instagram is a valuable tool for sharing photographs of the bespoke process with our customers.”
It’s all about establishing and building relationships.
Grossman stresses the fact that professionals in the diamond industry are often only as successful as their abilities to build their reputations through networking. She notes that sharing information and building strong networks is a great way to get people to recommend your business to others.
“You can enhance your business reputation by helping others with advice and support,” says Grossman, “For example, if your specialty is fancy color diamonds, you can advise a colleague about how to explain to their customer the difference between a natural fancy color diamond and a treated color diamond, or how the cost structure works for fancy color diamonds.”
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!