Jul 5, 2018
Working on the phone is no easy feat. At TK Enterprises Inc., we know from many years of experience that speaking to over 100 people in a day is a grueling process. It’s a process, however, that we are 100 percent committed to. This is what sets our company apart from many others that also conduct business over the phone. Our Event Marketing services provide jewelers across North America with friendly, knowledgeable and experienced phone agents who know how to have warm, inviting and engaging conversations.
It’s all about setting the tone!
As Cedric Roney of AMBS Call Center points out, it’s important to speak with an inviting tone. “Your greeting on the phone sets the tone for the entire conversation,” he writes, “The very first words you speak need to communicate: ‘I am a friendly, intelligent professional, and I am very happy to speak with you right now.’ Weirdly enough, pretending that you’re in front of the caller will make you sound more inviting.”
For the most part, our clients spend the majority of their time meeting and greeting customers in person. They have the luxury of using facial expressions, hand gestures and other forms of body language to communicate how approachable and affable they are. When on the phone, one’s tone has to make up for an absence of an in-person interaction.
Match your caller’s pace.
A talented phone agent is also aware that more than a friendly tone is necessary to endear him/herself to a prospective client. It’s important that the tone and pace of the customer are matched. In some cases, people prefer to be quick and to the point. They may be busy and only have time for short calls. In such cases, small talk is unnecessary as it’s more important to provide the information needed to fulfill the business obligation.
“Some callers will be more or less receptive to your wonderful greeting,” informs Roney, “So while you want to stay on brand, you also want to match the way that your caller responds to your tone. If they skip formalities and get right to the point, you should respond with short, concise answers, while remaining pleasant and approachable.”
Don’t curb your enthusiasm!
No matter how quickly or slowly you may need to pace your call, it’s important to remain enthusiastic about the reason you’re calling. If you don’t sound excited about your products or services, why would anyone else get excited about them? Having energy in your voice should be the norm. And, no matter what, please don’t forget your pleasantries. See what we did there? “Please” and “thank you” always go a long way.
Roney notes that those words can make the entire conversation. “Show your appreciation for your prospect or customer’s call by sprinkling thank yous in throughout your conversation,” he advises, “‘Thank you’ reflects your friendliness and dedication to serving your caller.”
Allow the expert phone agents at TK Enterprises Inc. to make your calls for you! For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Jun 13, 2018
It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. This is an idiom we’ve all likely heard several times over. It’s one of those sayings that is absolutely true. Tone and inflection means a lot to just about everyone. There’s a way to say “Have a nice day!” that conveys a sincere wish for a person’s enjoyable experience and a way to say that exact same phrase to convey a desire to see that person live a miserable existence.
Most of us know exactly what sarcasm sounds like.
We also know what boredom, indifference and agitation sound like as well. When you’re conducting business over the phone, it couldn’t be more important for you to master the ability to convey friendliness, interest and enthusiasm through your inflections and tone of voice.
“There are ways to say things so that a customer never forgets you and your pitch — they are called hooks and tone control,” says Grant Cardone on Entrepreneur.com, “No matter what you do for a living, at some point in your career you will rely on a phone to either introduce yourself or get an appointment. Other than your commitment and attitude about success, the telephone itself will be one of the single most important tools you use in building your brand, your company, and your revenues.”
Wording plays a major role in your ability to please customers.
Sometimes, the simplest change in your wording can mean the difference between keeping a customer and losing him/her forever. For example, you’re not always going to be able to provide your customers with exactly what they’re looking for. In many cases, you’ll need to provide alternative solutions.
The go-to thing to say, for most people, falls along the lines of “I’m sorry, I can’t do that for you”. Immediately, this communicates a negative response. Although it’s not untrue, it’s just not a statement that’s going to promote the growth of your customer relationships. Instead of responding solely in the negative, try responses that provide positive outcomes such as “While I may not be able to get that item to you by tomorrow, what I can do is ship a replacement free of charge.”
Keeping it positive is a key to strong customer relationships.
CallCentreHelper.com is a big proponent for using positive words and phrases. The website champions such responses as “That’s true, Sir/Madam, but…” in order to acknowledge a customer’s concerns. “The next stage would then be to demonstrate why there is no need to be concerned,” says the site.
“We can certainly do that for you, Sir/Madam” is another suggested over-the-phone phrase from CallCentreHelper.com. “Again, this statement is assertive and ‘certainly’ is a good positive word to use,” the website notes, “This is because using words with an ‘-LY’ ending is a little-known persuasion technique that many marketing agencies have recognized. Just think of the slogans to some of your favourite brands.”
At TK Enterprises Inc., we’ve mastered the friendly phone call!
With our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services, you can have our experienced and highly motivated callers make personal phone calls directly to your customers to invite them to your businesses events, teach them about your promotions or follow up on a recent sale.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!