Jun 20, 2018
Summer officially begins tomorrow! And for people all over North America, it’s a pretty exciting time. As a jewelry store owner, it’s wise to consider one of the most important aspects about summer. And that’s the fact that it brings more people out of their homes. Naturally, the more people who are out and about, the more opportunities you have to entice them to visit your jewelry store.
However, it’s important to remember that just because more people may be in the shopping mood, it doesn’t automatically mean they’ll be coming to your store. It’s your job to launch some clever summertime marketing campaigns that will help to boost business.
Here are three:
1. Launch a special summertime giveaway.
People love getting things for free. When you run a contest or announce a giveaway, it will undoubtedly gain some attention. Why not welcome the summer season by letting the members of your customer base know that there are some freebies available to them when they visit your store? On JewelryMakingJournal.com, Kamilah Campbell explains how this strategy worked for her brand.
“Last year I came up with an idea for a contest called ‘The Pink Email Extravaganza.’,” she explains, “I sent out an email blast to all my current customers to forward this email to all of their family and friends, and the person who sent it to the most people received a jewelry piece from my gallery of their choice. It helped to build excitement and increased hits on my website as well.”
2. Begin your blog.
If you haven’t yet started a blog on your company website, you’re missing out on numerous opportunities to draw attention to your business online. As you can tell, this tip is straight out of the “practice what we preach” book. We post one new blog per week to help increase the strength of our online presence.
“A blog is a great supplementary marketing strategy for a jeweler’s website,” informs WebpageFX, “Blog posts give you an opportunity to drive more traffic to your website. A regularly updated blog sends a good signal to Google and other search engines. Search engines like to see your website is being updated—although that’s not going to be a problem for you, since you’ll be updating your website as you get new pieces of jewelry in, right?”
3. Host a fun summertime event.
Without question, summer is the season when the most outdoor events take place. We’re talking barbeques, picnics, golf tournaments, live concerts, ball games, festivals, trade shows and so much more. It’s definitely wise to have your business represented at events where the opportunities to showcase your goods and meet new customers are plentiful. However, as Campbell insists, you should try co-sponsoring an event yourself.
“Team up with another business or organization and plan an event together,” she advises, “Last year my cousin, who owns her own PR company, had a cultural event and I sponsored giveaways for the event. I was even listed as a sponsor on the program and email blast.”
The TK Enterprises Inc. has many years of experience helping jewelry store owners to host successful in-store events. Put our team to work for you! For information about our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Jan 31, 2018
Dear jewelers, welcome to your favorite time of the year! With February beginning tomorrow, you are undoubtedly preparing for the rush that comes with Valentine’s Day shopping. You don’t even need to be part of the jewelry business to know that the next two weeks mark a very busy time of year for the industry. Needless to say, jewelry is right up there with chocolates and flowers as the most popular of all Valentine’s Day gifts.
As well, it goes without saying that jewelry make up the most precious and sentimental of all gifts that celebrate romantic unions. So while you may assume that foot traffic is bound to pick up in your store over the next couple of weeks, it’s incredibly important not to take anything for granted. It’s best that you prepare your jewelry store for Valentine’s Day as best you can.
Stock up on your most popular Valentine’s Day items.
Making sure you have enough supply to meet the demand is never more important than at this time of year. What have been your biggest Valentine’s Day sellers in past years? Make sure that you have ordered all of the most-likely-to-be-sold pieces in time for the special occasion. The last thing you want is for your customers to be disappointed to the point where they go to your competition for their gift-buying needs.
“Ensuring that you have the inventory to meet the demand of your customer base is crucial to your jewelry stores’ success during the Valentine’s Day rush,” writes Danielle Wegert on MultiBriefs.com, “If you are not prepared, you will not have enough supply to meet all of your customers’ expectations, and they will take their business elsewhere. Just like any other holiday, many customers wait until the last minute to purchase their gifts, which will not leave time for you to order more inventory before the holiday.”
Prepare to cater to millennials.
It can be argued that young people are the world’s biggest Valentine’s Day shoppers. There’s nothing quite like “puppy love” to get people to bring out their wallets to commemorate that special day with their partners. Studies have actually shown that millennials are among the biggest spenders for the Valentine’s Day occasion. The 2015 National Retail Federation’s Valentine’s Day Consumer Spending Survey found out as much.
“The largest spending age group is predicted to be 25 to 34 year olds, who will shell out approximately $213.04 on the holiday,” reports Barbara Thau on Forbes.com about the survey, “By contrast, 35 to 44 year olds will spend about $176.21. This is somewhat surprising, as many Millennials have yet to come into their most fertile years of earning power, yet they plan to spend more than their older counterparts.”
Host a Valentine’s Day soirée.
Valentine’s Day offers your jewelry store the perfect opportunity to host an in-store event. Doing so will entice your current customers to choose your store for their gift shopping over your competitors. At TK Enterprises Inc., our one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services are designed to get your customers to come to your event. Put our experienced team of phone agents to work for you. We’re experts at offering exclusive invites to in-store events. It’s a strategy that works!
For more information about our Event Marketing services, please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!
Jan 3, 2018
Welcome to 2018! On behalf of the entire TK Enterprises Inc. staff, we’d like to wish you all a very Happy New Year! And, to be quite honest, we’d love it if we could have a hand in helping for 2018 to be your jewelry store’s most successful year yet! With the changing of the calendar, our team has renewed its commitment to helping North American jewelry store owners enjoy larger customer bases and increased sales.
By implementing some inventive advertising strategies, you can do just that! Here are three ideas:
1. Use tantalizing wording in your product descriptions.
Never let it be lost on you that jewelry purchases are nearly always very important ones for buyers. They often attribute their purchases to the need to commemorate special occasions. The way you describe your products in your marketing campaigns should speak to the uniqueness and sentimentality of the pieces. You want to go over and above the technical terms used to describe your jewelry.
“If you have several different types of items that you are going to sell, break them down into types and describe the products within each type briefly,” explains Kate McFarlin on Chron.com, “For example, you could break it down to rings, necklaces, bracelets, accessories and then go into detail from low to high on the products in these groups. Describe what makes your jewelry unique from other stores in the area and how your product differs.”
2. Offer a travel incentive.
If you really want to take things to the next level, you may wish to advertise the fact that when your customers choose your store over its competitors, there’s more in it for them than their purchases. Odenza explains that travel incentives are complimentary vacations that you can use to encourage customers to remain loyal to your store. Their website notes that they work to both incentivize customers and promote your business.
“The offer looks great on any advertisement and gives your customers a reason to talk about your business with their friends and family,” says the site, “Word of mouth is the best way to get new customers as people trust their friends and family for referrals. Imagine them sitting around and mentioning that they’re going on a complimentary vacation just because they bought something from your store. It’s a great offer, but as you might imagine, hard to start by yourself.”
3. Call your existing customers directly.
Make 2018 the year when you fully commit to strengthening the bonds you’ve already established with your store’s supporters. It’s important to never take your customers for granted. Don’t assume that they’ll return. Call them directly and invite them back. This is the concept behind TK Enterprises Inc.’s Event Marketing services. Our experienced team of phone agents will do all the calling for you!
Contact us to learn more about this one-of-a-kind service! Please don’t hesitate to call us toll-free at 1-877-622-0195. You may also email us at heidi.tke@tomkaufmann.com or fill out the form on our Contact Us page and have someone contact you!