Springing Into Action To Boost Your Jewelry Sales
A couple of weeks ago, we blogged about the fact that wedding season was on the way. With spring officially set to begin in less than a week and summer right around the corner, you can bet that a large number of couples are getting set to tie the knot. And, as we pointed out two weeks ago, brides and their bridesmaids are certainly in the market for hot new jewelry.
Of course, it’s important to note that brides-to-be and their best friends aren’t the only ones who will be jewelry shopping this spring. With the season about to change over, it would be wise for your business to highlight the fact that it’s a go-to destination for all of one’s jewelry needs. So how can you spring into action to boost your jewelry sales?
Wear your jewelry around town.
Is there any better way to advertise how great your jewelry looks than to wear it yourself? Needless to say, your chosen accessories will make for great conversation starters. Naturally, those conversations will become advertisements for your products. With warmer weather on the way, you’re given the perfect opportunity to shed the heavy winter coats and reveal the beautiful necklaces, pendants and bracelets that are usually hidden beneath.
“Mix and match different outfits with your jewelry to give people the idea on how to wear your jewelry,” recommends Ceri Jewelry, “If your accessories look good on you, it will surely catch people’s attention and would make them more interested on your products. This is also a cheap way to advertise your jewelry and meet more people who can be your prospective buyer.”
Create an eye-catching front window.
With warmer weather come more customers. It stands to reason since people spend a lot less time indoors when it’s nice outside. Consider the fact that your storefront is about to enjoy a lot more foot traffic. Making sure your storefront is adorned with an attractive window display will help to lure more customers through the door. Alicia Arnold of Facets Fine Jewelry ensures that her storefront is uniquely designed to attract eyes each spring.
“I have no neon signs,” she writes on JewelryMakingJournal.com, “I need to stop people, and the more of my space I fill the higher my odds…So (in my storefront window) we have one mixed bag of crystals…And of course, lots of spring colored jewelry! I used my peach velvet displays from a ready made line from an online retailer.”
Offer special spring discounts.
If there’s one thing people like better than warm and sunny weather, it’s saving money. Combine the two by offering special discount codes and coupons as part of your store’s way of celebrating the new spring season. As Ceri Jewelry points out, such promotions work best during special events and holidays. Forthcoming celebrations such as Easter and Mother’s Day are perfect examples.
“You can also make use of this method if you want to feature a specific product that needs more exposure,” notes their website, “Create an email list and send discount codes to the members of your list so they can use it on their next purchase.”
Call your customers in for a visit.
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