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News and marketing tips
3 Ways Phone Agents Endear Themselves To Customers They’ve Never Met
The phone is an interesting device, isn’t it? It has truly stood the test of time. In a world that currently houses such communication tools as social media accounts, messaging apps and email, the telephone remains the top way for businesses all across North America...
Why August Just May Be The Perfect Month For Your In-Store Event
Today is somewhat of a bittersweet day for most people. The beginning of August signifies that the summer is approximately halfway complete. A month from now, families all over North America will be preparing for the back-to-school season, having no choice but to...
Keeping Them Coming Back: A Key To Business Success
“There’s No Business Like Show Business”. This title of a 1946 song, written by Irving Berlin, and later spawning a movie of the same name, has become a popular idiom all throughout North America. However, at TK Enterprises Inc., we’d imagine that retailers from all...
Christmas In July: How To Move Inventory During Your Slower Summer Months
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Now, that could either be the oddest way to begin a blog written in the middle of July - or, it could the greatest way to promote your jewelry store during the usually slow summer! Many jewelers suffer the “dog days of...
Clear Policies Will Help Your Jewelry Store To Stand Out From All The Rest
“Good customer service can really build a store’s reputation,” says Johnny Katz on RapNet.com, “87% of customers share good experiences with others and 88% are influenced by online customer service reviews when making buying decisions.” The statistics revealed by Katz...
The Importance Of Tone Whenever You’re On The Phone
Working on the phone is no easy feat. At TK Enterprises Inc., we know from many years of experience that speaking to over 100 people in a day is a grueling process. It’s a process, however, that we are 100 percent committed to. This is what sets our company apart from...
How “Free” Can Help To Grow Your Jewelry Business
When most business owners think of the word “free”, they immediately draw the conclusion that there is no money to be made in giving something away. However, as many entrepreneurs have proven time and time again, the total opposite is true. Freebies are well received...
3 Summertime Marketing Ideas To Boost Your Jewelry Business
Summer officially begins tomorrow! And for people all over North America, it’s a pretty exciting time. As a jewelry store owner, it’s wise to consider one of the most important aspects about summer. And that’s the fact that it brings more people out of their homes....
Your Handling Of Phone Calls Can Make Or Break Your Business
It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. This is an idiom we’ve all likely heard several times over. It’s one of those sayings that is absolutely true. Tone and inflection means a lot to just about everyone. There’s a way to say “Have a nice day!” that conveys...
How Incredible Customer Service Increases Customer Bases
There are tons of ways to promote your jewelry business. And unless you’re losing money in the process, there isn’t a particularly wrong way to advertise your brand. Okay, maybe there are some no-no’s out there (spam, for example, is not recommended). But, for the...
How To Grow Your Jewelry Business This Summer
We are just about ready to embark on a brand new month. And it’s a special one! June brings us the official start of summer. And for most people all throughout North America, it’s the most exciting time of year. Especially for areas of the continent where summer is...
Finding The Keys To Excellent Over-The-Phone Customer Service
At TK Enterprises Inc., we have over 30 years of call center experience. As a result, our team is made up of experts in understanding customer behavior. We’ve developed one-of-a-kind Event Marketing services that utilize our skills and know-how to provide you with...